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My Little House Design: Online Window Shopping: Whimsical Items

Friday, January 18, 2013

Online Window Shopping: Whimsical Items

Yesterday, I posted out all the silly/quaint/fanciful items that I keep around my house to make me smile. Today, I've rounded up some awesomely hilarious/sweet/odd items that can be used to add a little whimsy to your home's style. Here we go!

Holla! I love this doormat because in my head I just keep thinking "Holla atcha gurl!" It is way too expensive (in my opinion) at $50 but you should DIY this and send me a picture. (here)

I pinned this tissue box like a year ago and it still makes me laugh when I see it. The best part? It's only $4.99! Amazingly cheap. Plus, if you have a tissue box cover you don't have to worry about buying the cute expensive tissue boxes, you can just get the cheap ugly boxes. Win-win! (here)

I think faux animal heads are probably on their way out as far as trends go, but I still think they are pretty funny. The smaller ones are $28 and bigger ones are $58, but I bet you can find them even cheaper if you look hard enough. (here)

This is also something I pinned a while ago that still makes me laugh. It's toast coasters! Hilarious! Is $14 expensive for coasters? I don't know but I think it may be worth it to have these lying around. (here)

I love this glass head from Pier 1. It is beautiful but also odd. I can picture her on a stack of books or on an open shelf. Here for $19.95. 

These are hilarious. Probably too juvenile for a grown woman to have in her home but if you have kids or an immature boyfriend by all means, get these. Here for $29.00. 

I love this for two reasons 1) its a glass Ziploc bag which is funny and 2) it's a candy bowl and we should bring back candy dishes. In college my roommate and I had a candy bowl and it was awesome. Here for $17.50.

This bookends are so silly. I think it would be funny to have a row of very serious books and then cap them off with such a whimsical balloon animal. Here for $39.95.

Tea towels are another easy way to bring whimsy into your home. My personal favorite is this dog walker tea towel from Fishs Eddy for $12.95 here

Skeptical about adding whimsy? These bird knobs are the perfect way to subtly add charm to a piece of traditional furniture. They are $7.98 here.

Happy Weekend!

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At January 19, 2013 at 10:07 AM , Blogger Kim said...

That glass ziploc bag is too cute! I love that for my office.

At January 25, 2013 at 8:35 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

That would be awesome in an office - you would be the office favorite!

At October 8, 2013 at 1:28 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I like doing window shopping, but the problem is that I get nervous while doing it at physical market. The online shopping is really great in this, we can have things we want easily.

Everyday deals


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