
Friday, November 2, 2012

A Love Letter in Pictures

I don't have a baby, I didn't just have a wedding, and I'm not into politics so I haven't cluttered up any social media feeds with the like but I am kind of obsessed with my house (as you may have guessed). That is one of the many reasons I started this blog. I want to share pictures of my house and my adventures in DIY/decorating/designing without my friends growing weary of my daily photobombing their instagram feed with pics of throw pillows and gallery walls. So here are all the pictures I have taken lovingly of my house, as if it were a baby or a wedding gown or a favorite candidate, all in one post so that I can get it out of my system and you can look or not.

The end.


  1. Where did you get the little wooden human figure in your bathroom? Love it.

    1. That is from IKEA but I just looked and they no longer sell it. I did get a bunch of listing for ebay and craigslist though. They also sell them at art supply stores but I think they are probably more expensive there. I think I paid $9.99... but I don't remember for sure.

  2. Thanks for checking for me! I definitely identify with this post...I'm having a love affair with my home right now, too. It's a lot of fun buying something and painting, d-i-y-ing and decorating it to make it home. I don't have kids or a husband, so my house is definitely my baby. a labor of love...
